“You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new”
-Steve Jobs
It is known to all how companies such as Instagram, Airbnb, and Uber all began their journeys as startups operating in small offices. In today’s scenario, they are loved by all and globally recognized.
Great ideas do go a long way. Keeping ideas interesting, engaging, and inspiring can open plenty of doors for other startups and smaller businesses.
For a fact now, starting a new business and lifting it off is a huge task for most entrepreneurs and it only gets harder with constraints applied on capital.
Seed funding helps to put you ahead of the line before the business starts earning any profit or revenue.
It is a foolproof solution for startups and small businesses that are growing as it ensures the much-required early financial aid.
Not having seed money can cause startups to fail as well.
We at Elite E² Foundation will aid you to cover everything from infrastructural, marketing, and development costs as well as the initial hiring costs.
As the fuel of any start-up, we will assure you that our first drop of fuel will ensure a raging fire for your startup.
Startups in India till 2022 recognised by DPIIT 80,152.